Straight away from looking at the image one would think that the woman is being portrayed as a sex object. The mise-en-scene's connotations are that the background image is red and the colour red connotes danger, blood and murder. The woman is the dominant image of the picture. This suggests that she has a major role or part to play in the video game. To add to this there is a gunshot in her head which further supports her dominaniton as a main character. The bullet in her head shows that she is obviously dead. The line "beautifully executed" shows that the murder was accurate and planned. Though, this shows that the murder had no pleasure in killing her and wanted to get the murder done and dusted with, therefore indicating the person who killed her is a hitman. Since the dominant image of the picture is a woman, we can infer that the target audience for this video game are predominantley males. Teenage males to be more specfic. The target audience may enjoy the image/ picture since there is an attractive woman on the cover and this may persuade them to go out and buy the video game. The image is eye-catching and this would attract the audience to view the picture. The video game 'Hitman' most probably would come under a gangster/ action genre. The woman shown as the central image relates well to the genre as the male dominant characters in these types of video games and even movies have attractive ladys acompanying them. This re-inforces the idea of patriarchy. The respresentation of the woman is obviously unfair, innacurate and sexist as she is being protrayed as a sex object. 'Cidos' is the institution that distrubted the video game and this is shown on the picture/ image. The text is being distrubted through games consoles and the consoles that the game is available on are all enlisted at the bottom of the picture/ image. These are playstation 2, xbox and PC. Theres an 18 certificate on the image/ picture which shows what age group is suitable and appropriate to play the video game. Nevertheless, people below the age group would most probably purchase the product because they would want to conform with others.